Saturday, May 23, 2009

welcome back

I was thinking I missed writing about nothing at all! I had a late night at the club.Thats my local and I have been going there fo 28yrs its full of surprizes. Yeserday the locked the restaurant they forgot we had book! The curtains were off the rails new design look.The most impressive is the sunsets at Blanyre sports club they are beauitful. Hard to beat the sun going down in Africa. Today I am taking it easy as I talk that much my batteires need recharged.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Belfast to Blantyre..

Valentines was 2 weeks ago. I was just thinking I have come along way from Valentines night 1977 in Belfast Wellington Park hotel when I met my valentine who took me to Malawi. Who would have thought that chance meeting would lead me to Blanyre. Life is about taking risks some dont work out some do. I like to take risks sometimes,if it doesnt work out and no-one was harmed then I try and learn from it. Of course if it does work out you may find yourself in paradise... I wonder what risks Mrs Doyle takes maybe she will try out a new tea aw on on!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What do I look like?

How do we describe ourselves??? My friend said she had cornbeef legs, I thought we have such terrible wasys of describing our bodies. For example, I have a head like a sieve, eyes like pissholes in the snow, teeth like tombstones, a mouth like a souer, tongue sharp as a razor,croaks like a frog, laughts like a hyena, turkey neck, hair like rats tails, legs like tree trunks, arms like twigs ( made that up) two left feet, hands like putty, fried eggs for boobs (if you knew me thats not true) pot belly (thats true) but I like it! lies like a cheap watch!cauliflower ears, arse the size of a house,behaves like a bull in a china shop, has no heart or soul. If you were from another planet, sometimes I think I am, you are an alian, what would an alien make of the human form. Lets me kinder to ourselves and others. Banish this language from our vocab.There is the emotinal vocab, broken heart, to sweet to be true,eyes like saucers, puppy love,(there is no preventive medicine for it) turned on, turned off and we have no knobs, that we speak about! by another alien or something we see such as an ormament (sad). So dont speak badly about yourself or others. Love that body of yours. Thats miss goody twoshoes for today.

If in doubt this means No!

Have you ever had a niggling doubt, and then despite that gone ahead, and wish you had listened to your inner voice. It happens to me all the time. However, today I had a doubt about going to Namitembo I didnt see the reason for it, of course I could always find one but that is not the point. So I cancelled the trip, and it felt good. I know it was the right decision, as I did other things that needed my attention, failure to have done them would have been disappointing to some people. I would have then been upset with myself as I dont like to let people down. So if in doubt this means No, practice this and your life will be simplier. Thats what I think. I am feeling tired now I think it was the Don pedro it had whiskey in it. I dont drink whiskey, feeling the effect. early night. Living in blantyre with the heat makes you tired. I love going to bed, any worries I have I leave them outside the bedroom door, so I feel refreshed ready for another dizzy day, who said I was blonde?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

glasses found

Its early in the morning postman pat postman pat.gosh I am glad those days are over, singing nursery songs, there is a season for everything. I taught in a nursery school for 15yrs which was great fun. I just cant get rid of the nursery songs in my head! Its not a bad complaint, be good when I ever have grandchildren.
Just had fake nails put on they look nice. I dont think I will have then again they are not made for typing. Yesterday we went to see some of the people we had trained and they were doing a good job, so I am glad the course was useful to them, and I found my glasses.
went out for dinner with one of my favourite people, girlie talk always the same subject.....had a Don Petro was delicous.
Off to Namitembo toda y 2hours drive see how everyone is.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

can't find my glasses

I cant find my glasses, got sore eyes. had an interesting day. remember I said I was going to visit the teachers who had attended my workshop, to see if it helped them. Well some had taken on board what had been said the rest should have stayed at home, and gone on a tea making workshop instead. Its ok, I don't take it personally, 4 agreements and all that! The people who had listened they were doing a great job and felt motivated and inspired. I was visiting nursery schools in the townships were most people live below the breadline. Some of the nurseries were a credit to the staff, others should have been closed down. When people don't care regardless of what they work at, they should leave, and do themselves a favour and everyone about them. Its such unhealthy option to take, even if one needs the money, its soul destroying. I realize its not everyone who has a choice so sometimes we have to do the soul destroying jobs, I wonder did Mrs Doyle ever feel like giving up?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday night in blantyre

It is alot different Sunday night in Blantyre than Namitembo. I had my relaxing spa, beer, and listening this time to the mosies. They just wont leave me alone. Its the ph of ones blood, it your blood is sweet they go for you. Maybe its all the chocs I eat! I have had Malaria 3 times in 28 years so I cant complain. I dont take malarai medicine because I had to build up an immunity. However, if you are visiting Malawi it is impertative that one takes their preventive medicine for the mosies. Crazinesssssss not tooooooooooooo. I do take preventive measures, I have my house sprayed and use insect repellent every day. So beware Malaria kills. strangely not animals, mores the pity too many cats about! Sorry cat lovers, although I do like lions one of the big cats of africa, now that is what I call a cat!

Pampered Pet Day

if you haven't read life changes "don't get the wrong idea" then whatever I write might be confusing for you. I take it you have read it now! I still haven't had my bubble bath. I went shopping instead. Despite women having the reputation for shopping, I am not a shopping addict. I like shopping but only when I am in the mood, and I want something in particular. but general going to buy the milk stuff drives me nuts. I bulk shop so I don't have to go out much to the shops to buy food. I always have handy backups just in casey! like dip mixtures, crisps, beer, wine etc, no-one would die of starvation or thirst at my house.
sunday is my favourite day. every day I make time for escape and indulge but sundays is the mega day, that what I try and do for the whole day. I call it pampered pet day. I have a pedicure, manicure, facial, eat my favourite foods,blog, think( not too much, get a headache) listen to my ipod, read Oprah my favourite magazine. I do this all in the house, so going to the shop taints my day abit on a Sunday. . my brain can focus on short articles, in newspapers or magazines. It is one of my thorny areas I was made a bit hairwire! somethings were not finish off in the final Mary cut! The laughing area too much, and the concentrating area not long enough.
take heart anyone reading this because I have been able to get by despite my thorny areas.
I have the house all to myself another of my favourite things. I love the quietness, listening to the birds in the garden, and the african chanting music in the far distance -bliss

lots of layers escape and indulge!

check out' life changes', I was writing about the other dimensions of my life. How i am like a box of chocolates. I will not be writing under life changes as i didn't know it is another post. dah! so I will write under Mary Malawi, learning all the time. off for a bubble bath. One should have an escape and indulge time every day. even god damn it all day! I try to have, e and I time , everyday as my dad says your along time dead.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Back in Blantyre

Left Namitembo yesterday. what an experience, from getting stuck in the mud,walking through the village at 5pm every night, having a beer at 6pm on the steps of the priests house and hearing the noise of the frogs and mosies. Living with 8 other people, and going to the nursery everyday to meet the challanges of the day, it was all very exciting and different. I was out of my comfort zone and loved every minute of it.
I am back in Blantyre I have plenty to do. We are having a fundraising valintine night, sell tickets, and get prizes, and I dont have a red dress! So next week that will be my task. I also have meetings at my work, and visit some orphan centres, to see how they are coping. I presented a training course to some teachers and want to follow up if they were able to use any of the information the learnt on the course. This helps me measure the success of the course and improve for the next time. Always a good thing I think. Dont want to waste anyone time.
My social life took abit of a dip when I was away, so I will get together with my friends and hear all the news.

life changes

just thinking life changes when you do something out of your comfort zone. I feel abit changed since my experience in Namitembo. Now I have more people renting space in my head and look forward to seeing them again. Have a busy week in front of me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

first day at namitembo montessori nursery

Wow what a day. it was great. we had 27 children today all so cute. lots of crying and one child ran away! we found him not so far away. Fr Frank did break his arm
the sling is working, and the doctors are happy with the sling. he is wonderful and never complains still cracking jokes, fantastic for 93yrs old. he loved going to the hospital as he had lots of attention 3 doctors all wanting to see him. bell has rung time for dinner. always delicous, and everyone has something to say about their day.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

sunday night in Namitembo

we are all in the sitting room. fr frank, fr owen, pearl our translater, ann and chet from the states, and sarah from uk. jsut listening to the frogs making a terrible racket, apartently its the mating call the one that can croke the loudest gets the frogit! what's a female frog called? this can also work for humans if you like that sort of thing! tomorrow i am back in blantyre as fr frank fell he is ok, but I am taking him for an xray.
i dont mind even though its 2hrs drive and the road is muddy and full of potholes, I like fr frank so am doing it for him. I also can see my daughter as she is sick, sore throat. it is bishop's day tomorrow so the nursery will open on tuesday. everyone is so quiet reading it reminds me of what it must have been like in the olden days. no tv, music ( its off). its quite nice sometimes.
I am going to make a cuppa for everyone and then off to bed, early start in the am. good nite

Thursday, January 29, 2009

l-r unknowens! jennifer,fiona, me,siobhan,diane

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

enrolement at N.M.N.

yesterday we had enrolement day 2-4pm it was great. we had 30 children enroled. people came with the school fees and wanted their little ones to start the nursery. the montessori nursery is th first of its kind in a rural area in malawi. the school fees are 250mk per month that is 2days salary. mimium wage is 120mk, ( 70p) per day. there is alot of hunger in the area so we were delighted to get this many children. there will be alot of people who cannot afford the school but we had to have a limit, the school also has to try to be self sufficent so this is one way to help by paying fees. the nursery is not for profit. all monies go to pay salaries, equipment, and general upkeep.
the kids are so adorable but I am glad they can go home to their parents. I have done my time raising 3 girls.
living here has been so peaceful but we have very busy days. hectic would be the term i would use. there are 11 of us all living together. so far we all get on. every night we go for a 1hr walk and the sun begins to set. it is just beauitful all the different colours in the sky, and the smells of africa. the say when you start to smell africa it gets under your skin and you then can never leave! I am not sure about that. I like the smell of ireland so their is strong competition. and i think ireland for me would win!
I am interviewing the Ubwino girls today, check on their progress, and make sure they know the nursery is for their kids. the Ubwino girls children come free to the nursery. that is why it was started in the first place. it also serves the rest of the community so has a a huge impact. check out and you will find out what is going on, oh go on!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Driving to Namitembo from BLantyre

Phew back again in Namitembo after the weekend in Blantyre. Weekend was great we went to Doogles and the new head of the Montessori nursery school got to see what the action was i Blantyre. We had dinner in Blantyre sport club I had the usual prawn curry very tasty. We stayed up late. Sarah the new head went to the lake and had a great time. Sunday we returned to Namitembo hectic! The road was awful and I went into a spin very scary. All part of the adventure.
On the 2nd week of training we are having the graduation on Friday. The school will open on Monday and enrollment tomorrow. Going on a cookery course on how to make triangle sandwiches, looking for receipes, any idea? For more laughs and brighten up your day google Fr. Ted!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

hi i am living in \namitembo, life is good here. having a great time. I am living with 3 priests just calll MRS doyle! \i am having these slashes as using a new computer and am too lazy to keep changing it. as we become friends you will get use to my ways. \i like to communicate but the small things \i dont sweat. like slashes and drinking a beer out of a wine glass. \there are other people living here. there names are \ann, chet, john, mimmie, from usa and sarah from the uk is the new head teacher of \namitembo \montessori nursery school. its the first of the kind in a rural area, started by the charity check it out it. the charity educates girls in namitembo and funded the nursery school. \ubwino build the \nursery so the grils can contimue their education. \we all know the importance of education women and the empowerment that brings! \bring it on sisters! \I am training the first teachers of the new nursery school its lots of fun, and we are all learning alot. the school will open 2nd feb and everyone is working hard. will post some pics. We are on day 3 the course is 10 days. \i am off now to make triangle sandwiches!