Monday, January 26, 2009

Driving to Namitembo from BLantyre

Phew back again in Namitembo after the weekend in Blantyre. Weekend was great we went to Doogles and the new head of the Montessori nursery school got to see what the action was i Blantyre. We had dinner in Blantyre sport club I had the usual prawn curry very tasty. We stayed up late. Sarah the new head went to the lake and had a great time. Sunday we returned to Namitembo hectic! The road was awful and I went into a spin very scary. All part of the adventure.
On the 2nd week of training we are having the graduation on Friday. The school will open on Monday and enrollment tomorrow. Going on a cookery course on how to make triangle sandwiches, looking for receipes, any idea? For more laughs and brighten up your day google Fr. Ted!


  1. Don't see you as the tea making type

  2. I am sure the prawn curry was not that tasty- it was all prawns and no sauce. For cookery tips see Mona Calisa

  3. you would be surprized!i have just learnt how to make tea and find it relaxing and malawi i rarely drink tea, in ireland i drink it all the time,as it is so sociable and the ritual gets people to talk. i have listened to some great stories over a cup of tea. mrs doyle was right sure it will do you know harm!

  4. the prawn curry wasnt the best,i was just hungery.its the only dish i like on the menu, chicken kebabs are ok as an altenative!blantyre needs a new resturant, maybe mrs d would come over and open a teahouse serving fat sandwiches.

  5. in blantyre for the weekend and to catch up with everyone. in the photo is Fr. Owen who lives in Namitembo and me admiring the beauitful carved door. this door was craved by local craftsmen and has little pictures of different scenes of life in malawi. there is anothe door to match it. they will be the entrance doors to the nursery school.
    i got a lovely surprize, the doors were put up and guess what was craved on the back, shamrocks! i couldnt believe it, being irish an all that! time for a celebration with a nice cuppa.

  6. of to mustang sally for a drink, with sarah the new head of Namitembo Montessori Nursery school.In malawi we have times for everything.for example 4-5pm afternoon tea, 5pm til 7pm sundower time, but that gets streched to 9/10pm sometimes.7-9pm dinner. bed. 5-6am time to get out of bed, 7 30am-12noon work,12-130pm lunch 2-5pm finish the working namitembo there is a lovely cicle to the day. at 7pm we al eat together there are 12 of us most nights. someone takes it in turn to say grace. this week it was ann's turn and she sang a nursery song thankyou god for the mango trees. i had never heard of it before and i had to stop myself from laughing hysterically. we had to clap our hands and shake our heads i thought i would explode with having to stop myself from laughing my head off it was so bizzare!Fr. franks face (he is 93yrs old)was a picture! wonder what mrs d would have thought of it all.
