Tuesday, February 10, 2009

can't find my glasses

I cant find my glasses, got sore eyes. had an interesting day. remember I said I was going to visit the teachers who had attended my workshop, to see if it helped them. Well some had taken on board what had been said the rest should have stayed at home, and gone on a tea making workshop instead. Its ok, I don't take it personally, 4 agreements and all that! The people who had listened they were doing a great job and felt motivated and inspired. I was visiting nursery schools in the townships were most people live below the breadline. Some of the nurseries were a credit to the staff, others should have been closed down. When people don't care regardless of what they work at, they should leave, and do themselves a favour and everyone about them. Its such unhealthy option to take, even if one needs the money, its soul destroying. I realize its not everyone who has a choice so sometimes we have to do the soul destroying jobs, I wonder did Mrs Doyle ever feel like giving up?