Saturday, February 7, 2009

Back in Blantyre

Left Namitembo yesterday. what an experience, from getting stuck in the mud,walking through the village at 5pm every night, having a beer at 6pm on the steps of the priests house and hearing the noise of the frogs and mosies. Living with 8 other people, and going to the nursery everyday to meet the challanges of the day, it was all very exciting and different. I was out of my comfort zone and loved every minute of it.
I am back in Blantyre I have plenty to do. We are having a fundraising valintine night, sell tickets, and get prizes, and I dont have a red dress! So next week that will be my task. I also have meetings at my work, and visit some orphan centres, to see how they are coping. I presented a training course to some teachers and want to follow up if they were able to use any of the information the learnt on the course. This helps me measure the success of the course and improve for the next time. Always a good thing I think. Dont want to waste anyone time.
My social life took abit of a dip when I was away, so I will get together with my friends and hear all the news.

life changes

just thinking life changes when you do something out of your comfort zone. I feel abit changed since my experience in Namitembo. Now I have more people renting space in my head and look forward to seeing them again. Have a busy week in front of me.