Wednesday, January 28, 2009

enrolement at N.M.N.

yesterday we had enrolement day 2-4pm it was great. we had 30 children enroled. people came with the school fees and wanted their little ones to start the nursery. the montessori nursery is th first of its kind in a rural area in malawi. the school fees are 250mk per month that is 2days salary. mimium wage is 120mk, ( 70p) per day. there is alot of hunger in the area so we were delighted to get this many children. there will be alot of people who cannot afford the school but we had to have a limit, the school also has to try to be self sufficent so this is one way to help by paying fees. the nursery is not for profit. all monies go to pay salaries, equipment, and general upkeep.
the kids are so adorable but I am glad they can go home to their parents. I have done my time raising 3 girls.
living here has been so peaceful but we have very busy days. hectic would be the term i would use. there are 11 of us all living together. so far we all get on. every night we go for a 1hr walk and the sun begins to set. it is just beauitful all the different colours in the sky, and the smells of africa. the say when you start to smell africa it gets under your skin and you then can never leave! I am not sure about that. I like the smell of ireland so their is strong competition. and i think ireland for me would win!
I am interviewing the Ubwino girls today, check on their progress, and make sure they know the nursery is for their kids. the Ubwino girls children come free to the nursery. that is why it was started in the first place. it also serves the rest of the community so has a a huge impact. check out and you will find out what is going on, oh go on!