Tuesday, February 10, 2009

can't find my glasses

I cant find my glasses, got sore eyes. had an interesting day. remember I said I was going to visit the teachers who had attended my workshop, to see if it helped them. Well some had taken on board what had been said the rest should have stayed at home, and gone on a tea making workshop instead. Its ok, I don't take it personally, 4 agreements and all that! The people who had listened they were doing a great job and felt motivated and inspired. I was visiting nursery schools in the townships were most people live below the breadline. Some of the nurseries were a credit to the staff, others should have been closed down. When people don't care regardless of what they work at, they should leave, and do themselves a favour and everyone about them. Its such unhealthy option to take, even if one needs the money, its soul destroying. I realize its not everyone who has a choice so sometimes we have to do the soul destroying jobs, I wonder did Mrs Doyle ever feel like giving up?


  1. Hey Mary,

    Hope you've found your glasses again. Just to let you know that here in Namitembo things are going swimmingly. No tears till about 10!! Dry eyes all round for once but when it came close to snack time the inevitable happened. It didn't last too long thankfully, progress is being made every day!

    The Mangoes keep making me laugh, most of them have learnt how to say what their name is and which village they come from in English. So funny, when it is their turn to stand up and tell the class, some of them shout it out so loud and with so much enthusiasm that they can't sit down again and then they try to get up again when it is somebody elses turn. Oh yeah, and they all say "Introduction" before they start their "My name is is... I live ..." recital. It really tickles me and I have to try not to laugh. This is something that Miss Eneless Banda has taught them and even though it has now been rubbed off the board, they all still say it. Fun times.

    It's exciting not knowing what the next day will bring. Amusing tales from the nursery can be told everyday, so I'll keep you updated.

    Night Night,


  2. I have found your glasses.You were blind but now you see.
    I read an article once about a mayor in a South American town who wanted to improve things so he set about making his town beautiful and improving the transport system. The bus/train system would be the envy of any developed country. He also improved the parks and the inner city area by planting flowers and creating beauty spots such as butterfly gardens. If vandals pulled the flowers out or stole the things from the parks they were immediately replaced over and over again.Until one day the vandals and thieves didnt do it anymore.Everyone got used to their beautiful environment and efficient clean transport system. Keep up the good work. One day, Bangwe will not be a charcoal disaster zone and the people will be proud of their environment and their jobs- it just needs education, education, education........

  3. Thanks Mona for this little story about plodding on. Thats what I am a plodder, I will continue to do so. Education is the key.Typing this and looking at my nails my education didnt help, as the fake nails are not made for typing. You would think I have realize the science of it.
    Find anymore interesting plants?
