Thursday, February 12, 2009

If in doubt this means No!

Have you ever had a niggling doubt, and then despite that gone ahead, and wish you had listened to your inner voice. It happens to me all the time. However, today I had a doubt about going to Namitembo I didnt see the reason for it, of course I could always find one but that is not the point. So I cancelled the trip, and it felt good. I know it was the right decision, as I did other things that needed my attention, failure to have done them would have been disappointing to some people. I would have then been upset with myself as I dont like to let people down. So if in doubt this means No, practice this and your life will be simplier. Thats what I think. I am feeling tired now I think it was the Don pedro it had whiskey in it. I dont drink whiskey, feeling the effect. early night. Living in blantyre with the heat makes you tired. I love going to bed, any worries I have I leave them outside the bedroom door, so I feel refreshed ready for another dizzy day, who said I was blonde?

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