Thursday, February 12, 2009

What do I look like?

How do we describe ourselves??? My friend said she had cornbeef legs, I thought we have such terrible wasys of describing our bodies. For example, I have a head like a sieve, eyes like pissholes in the snow, teeth like tombstones, a mouth like a souer, tongue sharp as a razor,croaks like a frog, laughts like a hyena, turkey neck, hair like rats tails, legs like tree trunks, arms like twigs ( made that up) two left feet, hands like putty, fried eggs for boobs (if you knew me thats not true) pot belly (thats true) but I like it! lies like a cheap watch!cauliflower ears, arse the size of a house,behaves like a bull in a china shop, has no heart or soul. If you were from another planet, sometimes I think I am, you are an alian, what would an alien make of the human form. Lets me kinder to ourselves and others. Banish this language from our vocab.There is the emotinal vocab, broken heart, to sweet to be true,eyes like saucers, puppy love,(there is no preventive medicine for it) turned on, turned off and we have no knobs, that we speak about! by another alien or something we see such as an ormament (sad). So dont speak badly about yourself or others. Love that body of yours. Thats miss goody twoshoes for today.

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend whose nick name was flyshit. people used to say to her "tan your legs!" "Have you been sunbathing under a tea strainer?" Some called her plain old freckle face.Some said "Why you so white?".Some said "You are the ugliest girl in the street", Another said they had to put sunglasses on when they saw her coming because of the glare.Another said they couldn't see her when she walked past a white wall all they could see was the bikini!I told my friend, don't take things personally. Nothing others do or say is because of you. It's not about you, it's about them, those people are dealing with their feelings, beliefs or opinions.Their emotional garbage becomes your garbage I told her. I fear it is too late. The damage has been done.
