Sunday, March 1, 2009

Belfast to Blantyre..

Valentines was 2 weeks ago. I was just thinking I have come along way from Valentines night 1977 in Belfast Wellington Park hotel when I met my valentine who took me to Malawi. Who would have thought that chance meeting would lead me to Blanyre. Life is about taking risks some dont work out some do. I like to take risks sometimes,if it doesnt work out and no-one was harmed then I try and learn from it. Of course if it does work out you may find yourself in paradise... I wonder what risks Mrs Doyle takes maybe she will try out a new tea aw on on!

1 comment:

  1. Just saw a programme on National geographic. A girl jumped out of a plane for a sky dive, her 'chute didnt open. She started gyrating all the way to ground. She landed very well as a result of the way she was spinning, merely fracturing her pelvis, her femur and her facial bones were smashed, requiring plates and pins etc. She made a full recovery and the next clip showed her getting back into the plane for a sky dive. That's what I call taking a risk!
    My going to bed with a spider on the wall above me pales into insignificance!
