Sunday, February 1, 2009

sunday night in Namitembo

we are all in the sitting room. fr frank, fr owen, pearl our translater, ann and chet from the states, and sarah from uk. jsut listening to the frogs making a terrible racket, apartently its the mating call the one that can croke the loudest gets the frogit! what's a female frog called? this can also work for humans if you like that sort of thing! tomorrow i am back in blantyre as fr frank fell he is ok, but I am taking him for an xray.
i dont mind even though its 2hrs drive and the road is muddy and full of potholes, I like fr frank so am doing it for him. I also can see my daughter as she is sick, sore throat. it is bishop's day tomorrow so the nursery will open on tuesday. everyone is so quiet reading it reminds me of what it must have been like in the olden days. no tv, music ( its off). its quite nice sometimes.
I am going to make a cuppa for everyone and then off to bed, early start in the am. good nite


  1. Hi mary
    have just logged on to this blogg thing.not great on these technological communication sytems but hope to learn.its good to be able to chat to you this way though and keep uptodate with what you are doing in malawi.i thought i had sent an email to you and fr Owen through the email link you sent me but i don't think it went.Mary and i would still like to visit thios year probably may /june time as easter falls in mid April and the girls will be home. can you advise of some dates that may suit fr owen and you and we will try to arrange.
    there is an annual 10k fun run/walk on St Patricks weekend in Downpatrick which we participate in each year to raise funds for charity so we hope to raise some money for you this year.If you can confirm dates for our vist we could advertise our visit and hopefully attract more support. i have just received an email from ipyana who is also looking for some funds for a new project she is involved in so we may be able to help her as well.
    Its great to hear of the good work you are doing and we would love to visit and help in what everway we can
    i look forward to hearing from you soon
    best wishes


  2. Gosh that would be fantastic thankyou so much. You can contact me through my email. i wil also give you Fr Owen's. I think anytime would suit april, or June I know May he has alot of visitors. Why dont you give us the dates that would suit you best and we take it from there. You wil enjoy the experince,I was with a couple who will be living there for 4months they are enjoying it. check her blog Ann Namitembo.
